uTorrent is a software that allows you to share or download torrent files. A torrent file is responsible for storing metadata used for BitTorrent. BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file-sharing communications protocol that is used to distribute data and electronic files over the Internet.
How to download and install uTorrent in Windows 10.
How to download uTorrent.
- Go to Google.com and search for uTorrent.
- Click on the first link of the uTorrent official website. www.utorrent.com
- Scroll down and click on uTorrent classic.
- Click on Basic Free Download. And the download will start.
How to install uTorrent.
- Open the downloaded file.
- After it launched disconnect your internet.
- In the installation, window click next and read and accept the agreement
- On the next page, installation windows ask for download some third-party software click on the Decline button. It will again ask for third-party software click Decline.
- After that simply click next and finish the installation.
- All done you will see a uTorrent icon on your Desktop screen and your quick launch bar.
Hopefully, you will install uTorrent without any third-party software or any malware. Don't forget to disconnect your internet connection or else it can install other software or malware.
After installation finished sometimes it gives an error "Downloading the Pro package failed". Don't worry its because we disconnect the internet and uTorrent is unable to download third-party software.